Thursday 15 August 2013

Misogyny in the NHL

Amid all of the problems in the NHL (which there are many of), there is one that is very prominent, but many people choose to ignore. Since the NHL is a men's league, the fanbase obviously consists of many men. The problem is, a lot of these men are mostly not the non-douchey type. Unfortunately, although there are many great men out there, misogyny is a huge problem with NHL fans, as well as fans of pretty much any other sport. 

Misogyny from NHL fans now occurs practically daily, and it's in things we don't even notice. For example, the use of names such as Cindy Crosby and the Sedin Sisters are two of the most commonly used taunts in the NHL. It is not even just the male fans that use these, but female fans too, who don't seem to think about or care about what they're saying. It is fine to dislike a player (I'm not very fond of a certain rat), but resorting to using these names makes it seem like you really have no other comebacks to the player's skills (which is certainly true for people such as Crosby, the Sedins and Alex Ovechkin, who also endures some pretty bad taunts).  Even the players are doing it

This is obviously a major problem, especially since the league has teamed up with the You Can Play Team to fight homophobia in the league (which hasn't gone over so well). I am 100% behind the league's decision on this, but if we're going to reduce homophobia, misogyny should also be reduced within the league and its fans. This also means that allt-broadcast programs that are meant to be "directed at females" must be eliminated, for example, CBC's "While the Men Watch," which basically implies that every woman who watches hockey is just a puck bunny who doesn't care about the game at all, just the attractive players. While there may be many puck bunnies across the country, that doesn't justify this type of broadcasting, since there are many more true female fans, who should not be treated any differently.

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